Individual Therapy
The impact of unmet needs over time can be devastating.
We’re each meant to be held up and supported throughout life, starting in childhood.
But, let’s be honest, very few of us get everything we need growing up.
And the current state of our lives often reflects that.
The cumulative impact can be devastating. We learn to make a series of compromises, letting go of ourselves along the way – often because we forget that we deserve and can ask for the support we really need.
And, that’s where individual therapy comes in.
I’m here to build you up and remind you of what’s possible.
Patterned responses just aren’t working anymore. This is why most people show up in therapy.
A hard day at work… feeling overwhelmed and eating or drinking too much.
Financial insecurities… racing thoughts and difficulty making meaningful decisions.
A fight with our partner… feeling inadequate and having no energy.
These responses came about over time because they were helpful at some point…
… but now it’s clear they’re just making you feel stuck.
This is when change happens.
I love meeting people in this moment.
It’s a moment of opportunity!
There’s openness to acknowledging that you’re trying really hard – that it’s not working, and that it doesn’t feel good.
We can feel more alive.
We can believe in ourselves more.
We can get so much better at dealing with life’s difficulties.
We can learn to be resilient—to get back up with grace.
Individual therapy is like personal training for your brain.
It’s is an invaluable tool for transformation.
Break through the plateaus!
We’re not toning your arms; we’re targeting things like a lack of self-esteem, too much worry/stress/anxiety, and general dissatisfaction with life.
So, how do you train a brain?
You listen to it and give it a voice.
Together, we will figure out how to speak the language of who you really are.
Whatever the issue, we’ll zero in on it and strategize how to take it down.
The power of focused, individualized attention never ceases to amaze me.
Hear your inner voice again.
If you can’t tell the difference between your inner voice and the voices of others in your head (family, friends, society, etc.), how can you use your unique sense of self to inform the decisions you make?
You’ll let go of what’s no longer needed.
You’ll get clarity.
You’ll clean house.
When you actually feel who you are and fully understand your strengths and wants, you can really live. It changes everything.
One of my favorite personal sayings is…
“The extent of my pain that I’m able to feel now is the extent of the joy I’ll be able to experience on the other side!”